StressLess – Education Through Sport for stress management and mindfulness project
Corona virus has hit the global healthcare and economy, it’s social distancing regulation and home quarantines led to psychological and mental challenges that people across the globe have to deal with.
StressLess – Education Through Sport for stress management and mindfulness project.
The project aims to contribute to a physically and mentally healthier, more active and inclusive society.
It will equip educators with innovative Education Through Sport (ETS) methodologies to combat stress, prevent burnout and depression in the communities and people they are working with. These methods will be applicable in variety of contexts and environment.
It is Co-funded by the ErasmusPlus Sport programme of the European Union.
Result : Collection of mindfulness oriented sport practices and methodologies for healthy habits establishment.
Creation of 30 Videos of Education Through Sport activities for stress management and mindfulness.
O projektu
StressLess – edukacija kroz sport za upravljanje stresom i mindfulness
Corona virus pogodio je globalni zdravsteni sustav i gospodarstvo. Regulacija socijalnog udaljavanja i kućnih karantena doveli su do psiholoških i mentalnih izazova s kojima se ljudi širom svijeta moraju nositi.
Rješenje: StressLess- edukacija kroz sport za upravljanje stresom i mindfulness
Projekt želi doprinijeti fizički i mentalno zdravijem, aktivnijem te inkluzivnom društvu. Edukatorima nudi inovativne metode edukacije kroz sport (ETS) u borbi protiv stresa te prevenciju bourn outa i depresije u zajednicama i kod osoba s kojima rade. Te će metode biti primjenjive u različitim kontekstima i okruženju.
Projekt je sufinanciran od strane ErasmusPlus Sport programa Europske Unije..
Zbirka sportskih praksi koje potiču usredotočenu svjesnost – mindfulness i metodologija kako stvariti zdrave navike. Izrada 30 edukativnih videozapisa aktivnosti edukacije kroz sport za upravljanje stresom i mindfulness.
#StressLess #ErasmusPlusSport #ErasmusPlus #sport #educationthroughsport
#ETS #stress #stressmanagement #mindfulness
#movetobeyou #lotasbox #bais